“As part of compliance with the law of July 30, 2013 and its royal decrees, our office communicates the following information to you”:


I.1: General information

Equifides Brokers Associés - Private limited liability company.

Identification numbers at the Banque Carrefour des Entreprises: 0761 585 305

Our office is registered under number 0761585305 in the category of insurance brokers in the register of insurance intermediaries held by the FSMA whose head office is located Rue du Congrès 12-14 in 1000 Brussels and which can be consulted on the website

You can communicate with our office in French via the following media:

Extrajudicial resolution of complaints:

Our office does its best to satisfy you. In the event of a problem or question, we are at your disposal. If you have a complaint regarding our service provision that we have not been able to resolve together, you can contact the Insurance Ombudsman Service whose headquarters are located at Square de Meeûs 35 in 1000 Brussels - Tel. 02/547.58.71 - Fax. 02/547.59.75 - -

I.2: General conditions for the provision of insurance intermediation services

Our services

The activity of our office consists of providing advice on insurance contracts, presenting or proposing insurance contracts or carrying out other preparatory work for their conclusion or conclusion, or contributing to their management and execution. For these insurance intermediation services, we receive remuneration about which you will find all the information on our website.

Rules of conduct

Our office is required to respect the “AssurMiFID” rules of conduct as determined in the law of July 30, 2013 aimed at strengthening the protection of users of financial products and services as well as the skills of the Services and Markets Authority financial instruments, and laying down various provisions, the royal decree of February 21, 2014 relating to the terms of application to the insurance sector of articles 27 to 28bis of the law of August 2, 2002 relating to the supervision of the financial sector and financial services and The royal decree of February 21, 2014 relating to the rules of conduct and the rules relating to the management of conflicts of interest, established by law, with regard to the insurance sector. Information about how our office complies with these rules of conduct (including our office's conflict of interest policy) can be found on our website.

Information via our office website

In accordance with legal provisions, our office uses its website to communicate certain information to its clients. The use of a website to inform a customer is considered appropriate for the context in which business is conducted if it is proven that the customer has regular access to the internet. The provision by the client of an email address as a means of communication for the purposes of conducting business with our office constitutes proof of this regular access.

Correct and complete information

The quality of our services depends on the quality of the information you provide to us. This is why it is important that you provide our office with correct and complete information both before concluding an insurance contract and during the contract. If you provide incorrect or incomplete information, our office cannot be held responsible for any consequences that may result. As part of our services, you will receive various documents from our office. It is up to you to read them carefully, our office is at your disposal for any possible explanations or comments. In all cases, it is your responsibility to verify that the documents submitted to you comply with your requirements and needs. Please check that the documents sent are compliant and notify us of any anomalies.

Complaint handling

Our office aims to satisfy its customers. In the event of a problem or question, our office is at your disposal. If you have a complaint regarding our service provision that we have not been able to resolve by mutual agreement, you can contact the Insurance Ombudsman Service whose head office is located Square de Meeûs 35 in 1000 Brussels – Tel 02/547.58.71 – Fax . 02/547.59.75 - -

Data Privacy

Each party, our office and you as client, undertakes not to disclose to third parties any confidential information concerning the other party of which it would have become aware within the framework of this collaboration with the exception of information that must be communicated to third parties for the proper execution of the contract (e.g. insurer, reinsurer, expert, etc.) and legal exceptions

Fight against money laundering and terrorist financing

With the desire to participate in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism and in application of the law of January 11, 1993 relating to the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering and financing of terrorism, you undertake to answer the questions that our office may ask you in this context and to provide the required documents upon first request.

Applicable law

These conditions are governed and interpreted in accordance with Belgian law.

I.3 Adequate reporting

Awaiting upcoming FSMA regulation.



In accordance with the legislation, our office has developed a conflict of interest policy. Further information on this policy can be obtained upon request. It will be given to you on a durable medium.

Our office has as its first priority the desire to act in an honest, fair and professional manner that serves the best interests of its clients.

In this context and in accordance with the legislation, our office has taken appropriate measures intended to identify, prevent and manage conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of its activities.

Taking into account the above and the characteristics of our activities, our office has developed a management policy regarding conflicts of interest of which this document is a summary. On request, you can obtain additional information which will be provided to you on a durable medium.


Conflicts of interest may arise between:

  • our office (including any person linked to it such as, for example, directors, managers, people who exercise control over the company, employees involved in the provision of insurance intermediation services and sub-agents – hereinafter “related persons) and clients
  • customers among themselves

Taking into account the characteristics of our office, we have identified potential cases of conflicts of interest. Here are some examples:

  • Situation in which a financial gain can be made or a financial loss avoided at the expense of the customer
  • Our office has an interest in the outcome of an insurance intermediation service or transaction that is different from the client’s interest
  • Our office has an incentive, for financial or other reasons, to prioritize the interests of another client or group of clients over those of the client concerned
  • Our office has the same professional activity as the client
  • Our office receives from a person other than the client a benefit in connection with the insurance intermediation service provided to the client, in the form of money, goods or services, other than commission or fees normally practiced for this service.


Our office has put in place a whole series of measures to manage conflicts of interest that may arise. These measures include the following:

  • Compliance by staff and any other person linked to the office with an internal instruction note setting out the principles and measures to be respected in the management of conflicts of interest,
  • A suitable policy regarding the remuneration of staff and any other person linked to the office,
  • A policy regarding gifts or other benefits,
  • Organizational measures that guarantee the confidential nature of data communicated by customers,
  • Organizational measures in terms of separate management when necessary,
  • A policy regarding arbitration counsel,
  • A policy according to which if a specific conflict of interest cannot be resolved, our office reserves the right to refuse the request of the client concerned, for the sole purpose of protecting their interests.


When the organizational or administrative arrangements made by our office to manage conflicts of interest are not sufficient to guarantee, with reasonable certainty, that the risk of harming the client's interests will be avoided, our office will inform them in writing or on any other durable medium, before acting on their behalf, of the general nature and/or source of these conflicts of interest. The final choice of the follow-up reserved for the situation which is the basis of the conflict of interest concerned belongs to the client.

If a specific conflict of interest cannot be resolved, our office reserves the right to refuse the request of the client concerned, for the sole purpose of protecting their interests.


In accordance with regulations, our office maintains and regularly updates a register of conflicts of interest that arise and which involve a significant risk of harming the interests of one or more clients. The mention of conflicts of interest in the register may lead to updating the list of potential conflicts of interest and vice versa.

If necessary, our office updates/modifies its management policy regarding conflicts of interest.

Persons associated with our office are required to comply with internal instructions relating to the conflict of interest policy.


For the insurance intermediation services provided, our office is remunerated in the form of commissions. Our office may also receive remuneration linked to the insurance portfolio with a specific insurance company or to the tasks carried out on its behalf by our office. For more information, please refer to the customer area of ​​our website or contact our office.


Our office offers insurance intermediation services. These services consist of providing advice on insurance contracts, presenting or proposing insurance contracts or carrying out other preparatory work for or concluding them, or contributing to their management and execution . Our office operates in different branches.

List of branches:

  1. Accidents
  2. Illness
  3. Body of land vehicles, other than rail
  4. Railway vehicle bodies
  5. Air vehicle body
  6. Body of maritime, lake and river vehicles
  7. Goods transported, including merchandise, baggage and any other property
  8. Fire and natural elements
  9. Other property damage
  10. R.C. self-propelled land vehicles
  11. R.C. aerial vehicles
  12. R.C. maritime, lake and river vehicles
  13. R.C. general
  14. Credit
  15. Deposit
  16. Various financial losses
  17. Legal protection
  18. Assistance
  19. Life insurance not linked to investment funds with the exception of marriage and birth insurance
  20. Nuptiality and birth insurance not linked to investment funds
  21. Life insurance, marriage and birth insurance linked to investment funds
  22. Insurance practiced in Ireland and the United Kingdom, called "permanent health insurance" (long-term health insurance
  23. Tontiniere operations
  24. Capitalization operations
  25. Management of collective retirement funds
  26. Operations as covered by the French Insurance Code in Book IV, Title 4, Chapter I
  27. Operations depending on the length of human life, defined or provided for by social insurance legislation, practiced or managed in accordance with the legislation of a Member State by insurance companies and at their own risk.

Information concerning the description of the nature and risks linked to savings and investment insurance is available on the life insurance financial information sheets and by clicking on the links below:

branch 21 Branch 23


Costs and related charges - Article 9 of AR N 2 of February 21, 2004 (article 13 MiFID AR) - See upcoming FSMA Regulation.


All our general conditions